Planet X -Niburu.. Could it be real?
There is a ton of data on this subject that goes all the way back to the begining of humanity..
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Planet X /NIburu Could it be true? You get to decide we just bring some interesting facts.
This subject is so large that I will not leave my opinion but let you decide. As you see above the tablet image on left there is another planet away from all the others in between the plow and the human.
Clearly we all know that there are ancient tablets, Scrolls, Monuments and Mysterious Places and Artifacts all over the Earth. We also have all heard of suspected pyramids and structures on Mars. Now since 1983 we have been looking for something, Something big and approaching. Why? Well because of something called planet peturbation( a deviation of a system, moving object, or process from its regular or normal state of path, caused by an outside influence.).These preturbations led us to find Uranus and Pluto and now Planet X/Niburu.
Ok so Do we have pictures ? yes.
Can we find the topic discussed by acredited scientist and astrologist? Yes
Is there a ton of evidence? Yes.
It has been documented in ancient texts and goes by the name Niburu. It is linked to a Race of beings named Annunaki that may have started out here millions of years ago and return with the planet and bring a time of celebration. Problem is it causes catastrophic changes to the earth as it approches and passes. Some also believe that the race has already trained us to genetically hunt and mine gold as a spieces and our leaders give it to them when they arrive as a gift. Think about it ever since humanity until the last century there was a gold standard on currency. Why did they take that away and basically herd up all the gold? You decide. Another theory is that they are spiritually peaceful and are trying to help us (humans ) on our spiritual enlightenment and rise closer to heaven.
So here is some Words that come up
Sol- Father
Moon- Mother
Gaia- Earth Sister
Enki-Niburu Brother
. Also there is some that say Niburu is translated from the name HIburu or Hebrew. We *** Please check out the link to studied orgin of the human races on left.***